PNEUMA is a boutique specialty consultancy focusing on cutting edge high performance Executive, business and leadership coaching . We utilize a number of powerful evaluation and intervention methodologies, namely clinical leadership, systems-psychodynamic and organizational role analyses that focus on the “below the surface” aspects of any organization’s Executive and senior leadership (C-Suit) cadre, Executive and Governance Teams and the organizational dynamic as a whole. In addition to our work with individual executives we also offer business coaching, training and development.
We serve interntionally in Ottawa, Toronto, New York, Miami and worldwide virtually.
Much of our work is delivered in the form of organizational diagnosis, Executive / Leadership coaching,Transformational life coaching for Executives,intensive depth oriented retreats, seminars, key note speaking engagements and our capstone intensive (10) ten day senior leadership retreat that had been designed to provide an opportunity for leaders to become deeply reflective, mindfully oriented, increase their emotional, relational and human strategic levels of intelligence. High performance, psychological flexibility, resilience and the greater understanding of the human dynamic of their peers, teams, key stake holders and the organization as a cultural whole are programed outcomes. During the intensive 10 days retreat (followed by 1-2 years of targeted leadership coaching) our leader participants engage in a very deep personal exploration experience that facilitates a process whereby they will be able to take a very deep dive into their own personal psycho-dynamic history and examine their personal below the surface conflicts, complexities, needs, drivers, motivations, negative perceptual and decision making schemes the “internal theater” where each of our individual sub-conscious narratives play out. Coupled with their exploration, participants have the opportunity to learn to understand and positively work with the unique psychodynamics of their peers, teams and other leaders and their organization as a whole. In addition to our Executive / Leadership coaching and development work, we maintain a highly specialized intensive residential executive recovery program that takes into account the often very unique psychodynamics of C-Suite level high achieving leaders who have succumbed to what is referred to as the “dark side” of leadership. Many successful executives and leaders have classical type A obsessional and driven personality styles that are a career and personal double edged sword in that these unique high achievers become successful as the very result of their drive but eventually the mind/body system can no longer sustains the level of stress being placed on it and begin to break down resultant in addictions, substance abuse, emotional and behavioral health as well as leadership performance break down and careers destruction. Executive, teams and even organizational brands can de-rail. Towards this end Pneuma has developed a very special, unique, high impact, private recovery program where the Executive is the sole program participant. The goal being to restore psychological and physical health, develop balance and move back in a healthy manner to being a high performing contributor to the organization.
In addition to our specialty focus on C-suite executive development our consultantcy offers cutting edge Buisness coaching, training and advisory services that focuses on the business organization as a whole entity. We offer services such as facilitation and coaching in area’s such as development of business models, full scope strategic planning, development of organizational structure and processes, alignment and integration of all business structures,processes and directions in a manner that insures high levels of enhanced business effectiveness and efficiency. Management and leadership training and development that most effectively meets the specific organizations needs, building of business logic and process models, recommendations for management information systems, identification of key performance indicators and related management performance “dashboards”, human resource and labour relations consultation .
Philip J. McMahon B.A., M.S., D.min, Psy.D is an international specialist in the areas of clinical leadership and Executive coaching and leadership development. His work applies psychoanalytic thinking to leadership, organizational development and Executive, team and organizational development. He brings to the international consulting field a rare synergistic set of skills and credentials focusing on the executive, leadership and organizational development consulting domains having served as a consulting psychologist as well as spending several decades in senior leadership, chief executive officer and chairman of the board capacities of large and complex organizations.
He initiated his professional career in the early 1980’s as a clinical-forensic and consulting psychologist and continues to hold licensure as a psychologist in a number of jurisdictions and has held a number of specialty certifications in addictions as well as concurrent disorders. His professional focus as a psychologist has been on the clinical and forensic evaluation, consultation and intensive psychotherapy of leaders, executives and high asset professionals on both ends of the performance continuum. His endeavours led him to provide high performance consultation and coaching to executives and leadership teams seeking to reach a higher level of performance, psychological resilience, mental toughness and depth-oriented improvements in emotional intelligence to enhance career and organizational success. His work also focused on directing a number of private executive and professionals in distress evaluation and treatment programs. He has served as a consultant to a number of employee assistance as well as corporate workplace health programs. He has extensive experience working with Corporate leadership clinical issues focusing on provision of psychotherapy, evaluation and emergency interventions with executives, professionals who had been formerly high achieving but who have de-compensated as a result of stress, career burnout, psychiatric problems, substance abuse issues or position related exposure to severe trauma. He has extensive experience working with what has been termed the “dark triad” (narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism) of executive personalities along with other psychological health and personality trait issues that can de-rail an executive or high asset professional career.
While always maintaining a commitment and private practice working with executives and professionals on an individual and group basis, his career quickly found him moving rapidly up the organizational ladder where over the past 38 years he has served in progressive executive leadership roles and served in a number of chief executive as well as chairman of the board roles of highly complex organizations. His unique background led him to accepting positions as well as long term consulting assignments in a wide variety of large and complex organizational settings requiring reform, radical turnaround as well as organizations undergoing merger, acquisitions and intervening in organizational settings with serious management and labour relations issues and requiring massive change management and re-structuring initiatives.
His education is as unique as his experience in that he hold’s two Doctoral degree’s His graduate work focused on psychoanalysis, existential psychology, Jungian analysis and on issues of transformational leadership, and in particular the clinical dynamics of leadership. He has undertaken extensive management and leadership education including graduate work focusing on labor relations, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. He holds licensure as a psychologist in a number of jurisdictions.
He holds memberships in:
- Institute of Coaching (Harvard University Affiliate )
- International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study
of Organizations
- Society for Consulting Psychology
- European Federation for Work and Organizational Psychology
- Society for Sport and High-Performance Psychology
- Society for Addiction Psychology
- International Relational Psychoanalysis Society
- International Jungian Analytical Psychological Society
While engaging in a complimentary but dual focused career as both a senior level executive and s a corporately focused psychologist, he came to intimately understand issues, conflicts and complexities that can de-rail or seriously hamper the organization on every level of system including politics, organizational silo development, turf wars, significant mission drift, organizational structural design and system flaws along with a major dichotomy between planned corporate strategic direction and lack of a supportive or complimentary organizational culture. He has dedicated his entire career to leadership, executive and organizational development as well as assisting corporate leaders and executives, who have de-railed, with finding recovery and new healthy levels of sustainable high performance.